Thursday, June 21, 2012

Starting Fresh

It's time for a little change.  What was once Jo-In-Rowe is now
dedicated to Fort Pelham Farm.  Gardening, cooking, crafting and other 
projects will be seen here as well as a little history of the property.

The background on this blog is what I remember the wallpaper in the
living room of the house looking like when we moved in.  It may have been
water stained and peeling then but I was 11 years old and didn't notice.

May of 1967 was the year my parents bought the property but my mother
had been making us drive by it every Sunday for years.  She loved this house.
I'm thinking she had no idea what a money pit the place truly was.

The main house was built in 1800 with some speculation that part of
the ell was built in the late 1700's by Dr. Pardon Haynes.  Dr. Haynes had
become the town physician in 1788.  He married Hannah Holloway in 1790
in Conway, MA. This is the Town of Rowe record of his marriage.

This property stayed in the family for many generations - until 1941.  I'll be
exploring this family and how it lived at Middletown Hill Rd. for almost 150 years.